Sunday, January 29, 2012

January 18, 2012

January 17, 2012

January 16, 2012

January 15, 2012

January 14, 2012

LAX - January 13, 2012

January 8, 2012

January 7, 2012

Green Thumb? - January 4, 2012

They don't actually look all that bad in this picture, but this poor poinsettia plant was destined for the garden in the sky. Why can't I keep plants alive anymore?

Getting Organized - January 2, 2012

Since November or so, I've been inspired to get organized. My Christmas wish list was loaded up with bins and baskets and boxes. I've been freecycling anything that we don't need. And I've tried googling "organization" and found some organizational blogs. Well, labels were recommended on one, so I went crazy with a sharpie and a manilla folder. Step one in the closet. More to come.

January 1, 2012